

Are manual and mechanical distinct approaches? Does communication have sole medium? Are texts driven by external elements? Is there a lack of sensibility in program and logic? Can the display on printed matters and screens be unified? Visual communication is the multidimensional perception, a process of turning opposites into unity. In the workshop, we will explore changing formats and media from three concepts, manual, text and program. Whether posters or cards, graphic or space, static or dynamic, let’s conduct design experiments through logic and program thinking.

田博 Tian Bo (China)

平面设计师,艺术指导,中国美术学院设计学博士,广州美术学院教师。曾在hesign柏林和杭州工作室担任平面设计师,于2019年开始自己的设计实践,成立TEN BUTTONS平面设计工作室。设计师兼讲师的田博,因其在平面设计专业的探索和教学而受到认可。他对“后信息时代”下的文本编排进行思考,实践一种更具实验性和社会性版式设计理念。他的设计方法和观念,来源于他对虚拟与现实的伦理关系讨论。他的作品强调逻辑和直觉,也强调国际主义与在地性,获得过国内及国际众多的设计奖项。

Tian Bo is a graphic designer, art director based in Guangzhou. He obtained his design PhD at China Academy of Art, and is now a lecturer in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. After working at hesign Berlin and Hangzhou, he founded his own design studio “TEN BUTTONS” in 2019. As a designer as well as a lecturer, Tian Bo has been recognized for his exploration and teaching in graphic design. Following the thinking of “post-information era”, he creates layout and typography based on experimental and social concept, which come from the discussion of ethical relationship between virtual and reality. With the focus on logic and institution, internationalization and localization, his work has won numerous design awards.

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