


在工作坊中,我们将开发一套设计系统。当我们按下键盘中的指定按键,我们自己,而非他人预设的变化将会产生。为此,我们将用到专为字体设计开发的程序Glyphs 3。不过请不要担心,我们不是设计字体,至少,不是传统意义上的设计字体。从技术层面上讲,我们设计的不仅仅是字母,而是生成设计系统的动态元素。



Through the keyboard and mouse of our computer, we interact with powerful design tools from software developers such as Adobe. Programs like InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop assist us in our daily design work and in translating our thoughts into visuals. At the same time, these tools also shape and limit our thinking and decisions. Every time we press a key or click on a pixel, exactly what others have predetermined happens. In a way, one could say that we execute the design proposals of those software developers.

Let's take over the keyboard.

In the workshop, we will develop design systems that we can execute using the keyboard. This means that when we press a specific key, exactly what we want should happen, not what others have intended. For this, we will make use of Glyphs 3, a program developed for font design. But don't worry, we won't be designing a font, at least not in the traditional sense. Technically, we will be developing a font that produces your animated, dynamic design system instead of letters.

Let's have fun.

The goal of the workshop is to first develop the tool with which you will then design posters, books, booklets or whatever you can think of. We will delve into various dimensions such as form, color, movement, and sound. Whether it's humorous or serious, conceptual or intuitive, small or large, loud or quiet – all approaches are welcome as long as they bring you joy. The exciting part is that, by the end, even your grandparents can engage in experimenting with the design tool you've crafted.

Dirk Laucke (Germany/Netherlands)

Dirk Laucke是设计工作室Laucke Siebein的创始人之一,工作室位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹和德国奥芬巴赫,专注于在传播领域提供专业设计服务,注重设计理念的实现及应用。Laucke Siebein的作品曾荣获多项国际大奖,受到广泛宣传。Dirk Laucke经常在各大艺术院校授课,并发表演讲。
Dirk Laucke is founder and co-owner of the Amsterdam and Offenbach based design studio Laucke Siebein. It offers a wide range of expertise in the field of communication and the implementation of high-quality design concepts. Laucke Siebein’s concepts and designs have been awarded with international design prizes and have been published widely. Dirk Laucke regularly teaches at art academies and give lectures on the studio’s work.
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